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Finally, at zero prednisone...still Actemra~!

I've certainly been off the grid with my trip to Maine and then an eight-day vis...
Grammy80 profile image

does physio help

I’m a 73yr old woman who has had PMR for nearly three years. I started at 15mg o...
Gacaro profile image

Hands & Shoulders Pain When Tapering from 8mg

Hi All, I was tapering down great and doing a lot of cardio in the gym three ti...
Lickle profile image
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headache on top of head

I can’t remember posting this before?!? Bit of brain fog.. am 85 but no excuse. ...
Bedwell profile image

switching to a carnivore diet has put my PMR into total remission

I know the subject may be viewed as sensational or just plain wrong, but that is...
benhemp profile image

PMR flare, how much pain?

First, happy new year to the community Have not posted in a while, but wonderi...
Gilmor profile image

Is this PMR or something else?

Since coming back from holiday in November I have had lower back pain and in the...
Decsgran profile image


In early December I could only roll out of bed and not lift my arms in the morni...
Birdlife profile image

What’s The Cause?

Just joined this group as I want to find out if anyone has been told by their co...
Pollymaggie profile image

Achilles tendinitis and neuropathy in feet

Dear All I know PMR pro had Achilles T in the past and I have had a few minor ...
bluegirl7 profile image

Query Re First Few Days: Prednisolone :Edited

Firstly, a huge thank you for everyone's support/responses to my introductory po...
Hopeful66 profile image

To walk or not to walk?

I've recently been diagnosed with PMR and started on 15mg of Prednisolone which ...
CupOfEarlGrey profile image

a wonderful read for everyone

just reading “the well lived life” by Dr. Gladys McGarey . 102 years old and 8...
Gossiplady profile image

Doctor won't diagnose PMR

I'm absolutely certain that I have PMR. But my blood tests all came back normal...
Creas profile image

Questions and Advice Needed

I’ve had PMR for a year now. Like many, it hit me overnight, striking my neck, s...
Lenore58 profile image

Prednisone increase what is best time

Diagnosed with PMR in Dec 2020. Started 30mg Prednisone and with help of supplem...
Anic profile image

Extreme pelvic area pain when over extending

eg if I twist my leg whilst walking or perhaps have a fall whilst hiking or othe...

4/30 FLARE better but shoulder pain continues. Need feedback, please!

Good evening/ good morning/ good afternoon ALL! Hope you are enjoying spring....
Chicama profile image

Possibility it’s not PMR

Hi, I was diagnosed with PMR a few years ago and have been on Pred since then. ...

Tapering strategy

I guess this depends somewhat on how long you’ve been on steroids and how they a...

unsure how to increase prednisone with flare

Diagnosed with pmr on 1 November and started on Prednisolone 15 mgs. This was in...
Malaga47 profile image

UPDATE; Overwhelmed; unbearable pain with a 'cascade of subsequent pain', can't figure out anything anymore? Does anybody else get this?

I would like to say a huge, heartfelt thank-you to everybody who has replied to ...

Temperature and inflammation

I developed PMR around 18 months ago, and have been on prednisolone for 14 month...
PRL1957 profile image

First Rheumy Appointment......PLUS Surgery

Hi everyone :) I have been a bit busy with appointments and today a Rheumatologi...
Hidden profile image

Knee replacement soon & on 8mgs pred

I am finally in the pipeline for one of my knee replacements in 6-8wks time. I h...
Esradral profile image

What to expect on 3mg/day pred, and monthly tapering...

I've been on various doses of Pred since Sept 2021, and diagnosed with PMR Mar22...
PixiePMR profile image

Happy New Year ...... AND first flare in ages :/ I had to have a urgent appointment at my GP Surg...
Hidden profile image

Could a previous diagnosis of brachial neuritis be a warning sign of PMR?

Before was finally diagnosed with GCA/LVV + PMR in March this year, I had been t...
Dochaz profile image

Probably a Stupid Question

I’m currently on 4mgs of Pred and into the third week of this dose. I’m now expe...
Decsgran profile image

Beware of doing too much

Hello fellow PMR sufferers of doing too much in preparation for Christmas. Here ...
Bleakley1 profile image
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